Bed-bound to Soul-winner
Written by: Sis. Rina Peru

Sister Jocelyn “Jo” Pena was in and out of the hospital because of bronchial asthma. Soon, this had affected her heart, too, suffering from chest pains and difficulty in breathing. Because of these diseases, she rarely went out of their house, and spent her days mostly in bed.

One time while in bed recovering from another bout of asthma attack, she was feeling so weak and despondent. She thought, “Is this the life of a sick person, suffering daily in bed, no hope of healing? Is this my portion of life, just miserable like this? Is there more to life than being bed-bound?”

But there were no answers to her desperate questions, until she had to be brought to the hospital again because she had difficulty breathing. Her three kids would be left alone to fend for themselves while her beloved husband would juggle between work and hospital visits.

One day, she and her beloved husband just arrived home from the hospital after several days of confinement, but on the same day, she had another attack and she was struggling to breathe. In panic, she instructed her beloved husband to get a taxi for they were going back to the hospital. Before going out to get a taxi, her beloved husband rushed upstairs to get her bags.

While alone upstairs, great desperation drove him to the floor, and with his knees bent in total surrender, he prayed with all his being, tears pouring down his face. He cried out for help like he never prayed before. Then he heard a whisper, “Open the TV.” Without thinking or asking what it was, he opened the TV and the program of JESUS MIRACLE CRUSADE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY came to view. He listened for a while and he felt hope bathed his whole being. He thought that this could help them, that this could be the answer to his prayer.

He hasted downstairs and called Sis. Jo to come check out a Christian program on TV. The two of them watched the whole program and Sis. Jo joined in the mass healing. Instantly, she felt great relief. Instead of going back to the hospital, they attended the worship service of JMCIM, received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and were baptized in water in His name.

When they got home that night, Sis. Jo threw all her medicines and began to live by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him completely. It didn’t take long and Sis. Jo received her complete healing and recovered her health and strength. Because of this, she surrendered her life fully to the Lord. Since the time that they were saved in 1997 up to the present, Sis. Jo visits hospital wards weekly and shares her testimony of healing and the Gospel of salvation to the patients and their families.

She is continually blessed to witness many healing miracles in the hospital wards and homes that she visits after they have received the Gospel of salvation and been prayed for, and she has brought many souls to the feet of Jesus, and continues to do so.

Halleluiah! To God be the glory!



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