Bible study, prison & soul-winning ministry

This ministry is focused on conducting prayer services, Bible Studies in different locations including, but not limited to Prison visitations, conduct of Bible Studies in government and private offices including the PNP and Military Offices following the format set by the church for the purpose of saving more souls for Christ and disciple-making.

Studying and sharing the gospel and the power of the Holy Scriptures in different settings is vital to reach out to lost souls for them to seek and know Dearest Jesus as our ultimate source of eternal life. Conducting Bible Studies help the members understand what the Scriptures say not just for knowledge purposes but for them to experience the power of God through His words. Bible studies are set by request or according to the need of the members in different areas and locations where there is no existing regular church services. Bible studies are also set during wakes, house visitations, and celebrations of any type in houses and/ or offices.

Online Bible studies and soul winning activities are also being held by schedule and by group here and abroad.

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