The JMCIM Church

In the worst of times when the immorality of man has equaled that of beasts, and spirituality has been reduced to confusion by the craftiness of Satan, by inventing many religions; when man’s inventions and technological achievements threaten his very own self to extinction, and the universe ushers into self-destruction; when all attempts to stop criminality and war have failed, and when every knowledge of GOD is supposed as a vain escape from reality by the foolest of fools; through it all, the true Church of the Living God has come out triumphant! The LORD GOD has given full authority to His Church to overcome all the power of darkness — hope still shines after all!

Matthew 16:18 “… upon this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

It would be utterly impossible to put into writing all the wonderful works the great GOD has wrought His Church, the JESUS Church, through its spiritual arm, the JESUS MIRACLE CRUSADE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY. Here is just a very small bit of a vast, colorful picture.

The Scope of the Gospel's Power

Millions witness to have experienced the great miracles of GOD in the JMCIM. Incurable sicknesses and infirmities have been healed without the use of medicine but by faith in the name of JESUS, to which even doctors attest, proven by documentary evidences. Divine healing of cancers, diabetes, dumbness, mental disorders, tuberculosis, migraine, leprosy, aids, asthma, hepatitis, nervous breakdown, and more have been recorded. Youthful vigor health have been restored.

Vices, bad habits, and the degenerate behavior in general have been eradicated – smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, womanizing, adultery, fornication, etc. Drug dependents need not have to be detoxified of the chemical inside rehabilitation centers – the power of GOD did the job more efficiently and effectively.

Scores of homosexuals, lesbians, prostitutes, callboys, rapists and others of the kind have been set free from their perversions. Demons which have been enslaved them have been driven out completely.

Heartbreaking problems, including those regarding family and marital relationships that have been crumbled, have been solved. Broken homes, which is one great factor in the deterioration of an individual’s values which in turn affects the society outside, have been mended, and the family preserved.
Poor folks have obtained financial and material prosperity by obedience to the Gospel. The nightmare of poverty has been done away with through faith in GOD.

3 John 2 “Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

Social liabilities, the so-called outlaws and bad guys – hardcore communists, rebels, terrorists, abusive military men, mercenaries, holduppers, kidnappers, snatchers, robbers, thieves, gangsters and other hardened criminals – tamed by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, have surrendered their lives to the LORD and are now law-abiding, peace-loving and responsible citizens.

Large scale onslaught of communism, terrorism and criminality have been prevented through relentless crusades with prayer and fasting.

Christians on fire serving the LORD have time and again proved to be invulnerable to guns and other deadly weapons, claiming fulfillment of Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the LORD.”

The dead being raised back to life have been common in the JMCIM circle, proving that GOD’s word is never outdated:

Matthew 10:7 and 8 “And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”

Aborted rape cases have been reported and documented – sisters have been saved by forceful shouts of rebuke in the name of JESUS, commanding the rapist to either freeze or flee. Likewise, killers, snatchers, holduppers, robbers, etc. had better not have to do with the children of GOD or they might end up in the stocks or running away in consternation or even dying by GOD’s vengeance. No weapons for self-defense used, not even martial arts, but by the powerful name of JESUS.

In the name of JESUS, demon-possessed individuals are delivered from legions of devils; attacking dogs turn back scampering for refuge; fiery serpents freeze and die; rabies, snake bites, scorpion stings are no hurt at all; Christians are saved from car accidents, fire, shipwreck, flood, etc. Through the TV programs of the JMCIM, by touching the TV screen as point of contact, televiewers could simultaneously claim GOD’s miracles in one time alone right in the privacy of their homes.

The Kingdom of God

No doubt, with all these testimonies plus innumerable others, the credibility of the power of the Gospel of CHRIST in the JMCIM is an established fact. And with all the problems besetting the world today – Ozone depletion which is approaching 100% to finally burn the planet earth, cosmological catastrophes, nuclear war which is just a push button away, terrorism and criminality, poverty, disease, etc. – the ultimate solution, the evangelist said, is for this Gospel to be preached throughout the world (Matthew 24:14), with the cooperation of the leaders of the nations, before it gets too late. Mass conversion to the truth would finally end the chaos and start the reign of peace and love with the reign of the Lord JESUS CHRIST (Isaiah 9:6).

Since the birth of JMCIM until now, the JESUS Church has grown by leaps and bounds; millions are experiencing the genuine conversion. Powerful testimonies of GOD’s signs, wonders and miracles by the brethren spread like wildfire, sweeping across the country and now being felt by the world. And what’s even more wonderful, this awesome power is not a monopoly for a chosen few – it is every believer’s rightful heritage!

Radio, TV, Online and live crusades and services have been indispensable in evangelization of more and more souls. Pastors and missionaries and various leaders of various religious groups, seeking solution to their erring faith and have lost enthusiasm for GOD due to the absence of Biblical miracles, have now joined in, received re-baptism, and are now back on their feet as empowered and effective soul-winners and disciples of Christ.

The JMCIM Church Today

The JESUS Miracle Crusade International Ministry (JMCIM) is one of the largest and most successful Apostolic churches based in the Philippines with millions of followers nationwide and still growing by the grace of our loving God. JMCIM is led by internationally known pastor and end-time prophet of God, beloved honorable Evangelist Wilde E. Almeda, and his loving wife, beloved and honorable Assistant Pastor Lina C. Almeda.

JMCIM now has established numerous outreach stations or chapters widely scattered all over the Philippines and other countries like the United States, Canada, Asia (Japan, Singapore, Hongkong, Macao, South Korea, Taiwan, Cambodia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Australia), Europe (The United Kingdom, Italy) and more are being opened promised by our loving God for His gospel to be spread entire the nation.

Matthew 24:14: ―And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come

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