Healed of Heart Disease: The Testimony of Bro. Rufo Zulueta
Written by: Sis. Rina Peru

In 1993, Bro. Rufo suddenly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital He just had a heart attack. Later in the hospital when he regained consciousness, he was too weak and his breathing was difficult. He was given oxygen to aid his breathing and lots of medicines to help him, but days passed but his condition did not improve. He decided to just go home and rest.

At home, he could hardly walk. His breathing remained to be “inch by inch” as he describes it. When he tried to walk just a few feet, he would stop to catch his breath. He could no longer work. He continued to take his many medicines but every time he took them, he would feel worse. Weeks passed and he and his wife decided to see another specialist. After test results came out, it was found out that he didn’t only have heart disease, he now also had developed pneumonia. (He also began to suffer from chronic back pains, insomnia, and nervousness). His doctor referred him to the Philippine Heart Center. But Bro. Rufo refused to be brought to the Philippine Heart Center. He knew that he needed surgery and they didn’t have the money for it.

At home, he also began to give up the medicines which made him feel worse and weaker. Feeling hopeless, he fell to his knees and prayed and begged God to help him. After his prayer, he thought he heard a voice telling him to open the TV, and so he did. It opened to the TV program of JESUS MIRACLE CRUSADE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY. He sat and concentrated to watch and listen to the testimonies of God’s miraculous healings. He was amazed. When the Beloved Asst. Pastor Lina C. Almeda stood to praise and worship God prior to her Bible Study, Bro. Rufo was in awe to behold the holiness displayed and exuded by her. All the time that he was watching, his tears were falling freely. He was so blessed watching the program that he instantly felt better and was filled with hope.

Bro. Rufo took note of the address of the venue of the Church’s regular worship services, and came Wednesday, he was so excited to go to the worship service. He was thankful that the venue was within their city (Marikina) and he didn’t have to travel far.

Though his breathing was labored and he needed to rest every after a few feet, he arrived in the worship service expectant. Though sick and weak, there was an extraordinary strength that was making him go on. He was the first one to reach the front during the altar call and the first one in the queue to receive water baptism in Jesus’ name. That night, Bro. Rufo received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and Healer.

Walking on his way home, his steps had a spring to them that he could’t explain. He felt like he was floating on air. He so marvelled at this feeling that he had to look back to see if he left any footprints! He knew in himself that he had been healed by the Lord Jesus Christ!

After a few months and Bro. Rufo was sure that he was completely healed, he went back to the hospital for another round of tests. As he had expected, all his tests came out clear. He went to see the doctor who had previously referred him to the Philippine Heart Center and testified before him, how he had obtained healing through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ without the help of surgery and medicines, and showed him his latest test results proving that he was completely healed. The doctor was dumbfounded and couldn’t find the right words to describe the miracle that happened to Bro. Rufo.

Bro. Rufo continues to enjoy the healing he had received from the Lord and remains to be fervent in serving Him with his family to this day.

Halleluiah! To God be all the glory!



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