A Healing Miracle that Teaches Us an Important Lesson {The Testimony of Bro. Lito Factoriza}
Written by: Sis. Rina Peru

Bro. Lito’s disease is gout. His feet, legs, knees, arms, and hands get swollen and it’s very painful he wouldn’t be able to walk even to the bathroom.

In January 2018, after he testified in the pulpit in Sta. Rosa Outreach, the preacher there approached him and counselled him to fast and pray for 10 days as he might be used by the Lord Jesus Christ in preaching the gospel of salvation through the leading prayers of our beloved Hon. Pastor Wilde Almeda. His initial reaction was, he wasn’t worthy, and so, he didn’t heed the preacher’s counsel at once.

Three weeks passed and his feet began to get swollen. He knew that when it worsened, he wouldn’t be able to walk or do anything because the pain would be unbearable. And so it was, for him to be able to reach the bathroom, he was forced to sit on one plastic chair to the next, carrying the other chair forward while sitting on one chair because he couldn’t stand up let alone walk. When his gout attacks, it usually takes a month before he starts to recover.

After a month in this condition, when he thought he would finally recover and be able to move normally, the swelling would intensify again, affecting his feet, legs, knees, joints, arms, and hands. He testifies that even when just one finger is swollen, the pain is so severe that he wouldn’t be able to move his fingers.

More than 4 months passed and his condition didn’t improve. He was reminded again by the beloved preacher to start fasting even in his dire condition. And so he did.

While fasting, Satan harassed him, forcing him to quit by making his fasting harder: his legs, arms, joints, and hands were not only swollen, but his back and neck were also very stiff and painful. His whole body was swollen and stiff, giving him unbearable pain with the slightest movement. He testifies that the only part in his body the he could move were his eyes.

He was desperate and felt compelled to give up, but the Lord Jesus gave him a message through Hebrews 10:36-39:

For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. 37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. 38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. 39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

Hebrews 10:36-39)

After ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

This message strengthened him to forge on and finish his prayer and fasting in spite of his suffering for it is the will of God. During this time, he also remembered the teachings of the beloved Asst. Pastor Lina Almeda, that during trials, remember how the Lord has proved His love for us, saving us and healing our diseases.

So, he meditated on how the Lord Jesus had healed him instantly many times before. And not only him but his family members as well.

Now, Bro. Lito goes from one outreach to the next, traveling from province to province to testify of God’s healing miracles and mighty works.




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