Divine Blessing Foundation Inc.

The Divine Blessing Foundation Inc. takes its roots to start and thrive when the Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry (JMCIM), an Apostolic Christian movement, has established its ministry. Even without the benefit of a legal name yet, with simply having the heart for the needy people anchored with Christ’s love and compassion for all people and in obedience to the Great and Almighty God, the Foundation had already begun. The primary recipients of the Foundation started with the less fortunate brethren from the Church which others term it as “indigents”.

Since JMCIM holds Church services thrice a week every Wednesday (midweek service), Friday (overnight Prayer), and Sunday (General Service), it was apparent at that time that the church-goers were mostly crowded with members living in extreme poverty who were unable even to finance their own fare to attend church services. This then led Beloved and Honorable Pastor Wilde E. Almeda and Assistant Pastor Lina C. Almeda to generously sponsor the fare of the churchgoers of JMCIM. This has been a regular program of the Foundation until the time the “indigents” were financially blessed by our Dearest Jesus. The aid of the Foundation then extended to include feeding programs, educational assistance, healthcare, housing, death and other related assistance. Aside from the fares and blessings, gift giving of Christmas baskets to the indigents during holiday seasons has also been a regular program of the Foundation.After complying with other legal requirements, the Foundation was formalized in September 2001. The Foundation was duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Bureau of Internal Revenue under the legal name of Divine Blessing Foundation, Incorporated.At present, the DBFI is being managed by Board of Trustees comprised of selected family members of our Beloved Evangelist Wilde E. Almeda and Asst. Pastor Lina C. Almeda and selected elders of the church and is being manned by authorized staff approved by the Board. The Foundation intends to develop the physical and material aspect of the Ministry without compromising the spiritual aspect, which is of paramount concern by seeking first the kingdom of God.Because of the ongoing economic and political crisis continuously experienced not only in our country but also in the other parts of the world, which greatly affects majority of the Filipinos as a whole, the Foundation then expanded its primary purpose of helping the less fortunate brethren of the church to include the capacity to operate on a national level where assistance is deemed necessary arising from calamities, disasters, natural or man-made, including but not limited to typhoons, earthquakes, fires, war and others deemed similar.Specifically, DBFI responds to the growing number of problems encountered by Person with Disability (PWDs), poor Older Persons (Ops) and victims of natural and man- made calamity. This is in line with the implementation of Republic Act No. 7277 otherwise known as the “Magna Carta for Persons with Disability”, R.A. 7432 as amended otherwise known as an Act to maximize the contribution of senior citizen to nation building, grants, benefits and special privileges.

DBFI Documentaries and relief operations


To be a responsive and caring Foundation promoting God’s love to mankind with spiritual people that will respond to the needs of the poor individuals, families and groups empowering them to become God-fearing, self-propelling, self- reliant and productive citizens of the nation.


To uplift the quality of life of the marginalized sectors of society by lawfully establishing linkages with individuals, groups and institutions that will respond to their spiritual and humanitarian concern through relevant and responsive services and programs.

To enhance the capabilities of the volunteer staff of the foundation to effectively and efficiently deliver the programs and services of the foundation.

Karamay Natin ang Diyos

Tulong sa Apektadong Pamilya dulot ng COVID-19 Lockdown

(A Fundraising Campaign of the Divine Blessing Foundation Inc.)

This on-going fundraising campaign aims at extending assistance to brethren and other indigent families in the poor communities of the region. Relief goods and other financial assistance are being distributed and given based on certain assessment procedures of the Foundation.

More than 3000 packs are already distributed to selected families derived from the previous and on-going DBFI donation campaign.

The coronavirus lockdown has brought both positive and negative impact to each one’s life directly or indirectly. While some are comfortably enjoying the blessing of staying at home with their families, there are also families who are still struggling to make ends meet due to the economic and social repercussions of the coronavirus specially to the poor and the elderly. May we continue to share our resources with our less fortunate brethren. Let us continue to be the hand of God to those who are in need.

Due to mobility limitations, cash donations may be directed to the JMCIM church account or through our Divine Help Project: For donations through the JMCIM bank account, please screen shot your online transaction or take a picture of your deposit slip and send it to divineblessingfoundationinc@gmail.com with your name or the name of the donor for recording and documentation purposes.

“ Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was a hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee a hungered, and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King answer and say unto them, verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

– Matthew 25:34-40


To achieve optimum level of development in terms of economic sufficiency and self-reliance of older person, persons with disability and victims of calamity inside and outside the church.

To provide food, health and transportation assistance to PWDS, OPs and their dependents.

To tap resources in order to provide assistive devices to brethren who are still in the stage of recuperation like wheelchairs, canes, walkers, etc. through referral and coordination to LGUs and possible donor.

To help PWDs and older persons to acquire PWD discount card and senior citizen card

To conduct necessary programs and/ or activities based on arising need of the community.

Incorporate spiritual activities in all forms of projects and or programs of the foundation.

Encourage participation of members and non-members of the church in all the foundation’s programs or activities through different forms of assistance.

Programs and Services

Spiritual Transformation

Feeding Program

Relief Operation

Financial Assistance Program

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